Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sales Managment Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sales Managment Assignment - Essay Example This paper approves that keeping the current scenario in mind, Total Gas & Power Ltd depends on its people being able to work together and systematically planned induction training will greatly accelerate this. Hence an induction plan is accordingly set which would cover a long checklist. A formal induction will be carried out. In case of formal orientation the program is very much structured and systematic. Everything in program is layed down previously and the flow is very much according to that. In this, the sales executive is made knowledgeable about four aspects which are- the organization, the job, the employees and other aspects. This essay makes a conclusion the sales personnel should be made more knowledgeable about their product’s features and its functions through seminars etc. Finally good performance should be rewarded with monetary incentives. Next, the performance appraisal scheme that had been introduced should be communicated to the employees properly leaving no room for confusion. Then, a senior sales executive should undertake the responsibility of tackling the complaints received from customers, evaluate its causes and then find out their solutions. Finally, the organization is looking forward to introduce another office in the mainland Europe. For this, they s should be highly motivated and informed about the market trends. The risk bearing capacity should be high in the beginning and they should strive towards building good customer relations.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Letter to the editor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Letter to the editor - Essay Example In essence, the tax forced energy raise in energy prices and also costs job. Many businesses have to strain their resources and change business operation techniques to compete well in the marketplace. In essence, exaggerated carbon taxes have been attributed the rapid lose of competitiveness of Australian products in the global market. This is especially due to an increase in the product prices to be able to cover the production costs emanating from the introduction of the high carbon tax. On commencement of the carbon tax, Australian carbon prices tripled those of the European countries. The European Emission Trading Schemes generates $23 million as compared to $77.3 million per week in Australia. As such, Australian exports are higher in prices. These high taxes increases the cost of production and the weight laid on consumers who in turn consume fewer products. The ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) find it tricky to monitor prices or take action against organizations that try to exploit consumers or other business by charging unjustly high prices. Notably, businesses and households use price signal as an explanation for lowered consumption of particular products. According to statistics, consumers are likely to turn to using up cheaper imports. This has built uncertainty for investment; hence, companies prone to emission of carbon will be afraid to invest further considering the high tax payment. This also renders high competition from other energy plants. As a result, some industries will end up withdrawing from business; hence, an economic downturn. From above perspective, the controversial carbon policy is both beneficial and detrimental. In line with the set standards on climate change in the Kyoto Protocol, Australia must be committed to trimming down the emission of greenhouse gases. However,