Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Goals Of The Organizational Culture - 807 Words

Reflection Paper #1 For this week’s reflection paper I have decided to reflect upon how the goals of the business and the goals of the organizational culture are often not compatible, resulting in unethical business ethics. Due to the profit oriented goals of the business, components of organization culture often fail as they rely strongly upon personal morals of management and employees. As per our discussions in class, an ethical culture is â€Å"one in which employees are empowered and expected to act in ethically responsible ways even when the law does not require it† (Perera, Yasanthi, â€Å"The Corporate Culture – Impacts Implications†). In my opinion this type of culture, while ideal, is fragile and easily corrupted by the individual morals of each components listed above. I believe management can suffer the greatest gains or losses based upon their ethical behaviour. It is the responsibility of management to uphold the organizational culture of th e business while also maintaining their profit margins. Management are the most likely to suffer from normative myopia as the business profits, their personal bonuses, or jobs may require them to suffer the â€Å"inability to recognize ethical issues† (Hartman, DesJardins, MacDonald, pg. 49). This is a major area of incompatibility for management between the business goals and the organization’s culture as the management could ignore the organizational culture or could use euphemistic language to appear as though they are following theShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture and Its Effects on Team Development and Effectiveness1566 Words   |  6 PagesIndividual Assignment: Organizational Culture and Team Effect Paper Explore how organizational culture develops and how it affects team development and effectiveness Organizational cultures develop over time thus the need to adopt and integrate valuable components towards realization of effective and efficient development of the organizational cultures. Understanding of the organizational culture is an essential aspect towards the achievement of quality culture with the aim of enhancing the outputRead MoreOrganizational Performance Of The Amc1446 Words   |  6 PagesPrior to the arrival of Andy Falender, there were three prominent problems plaguing the organizational performance of the AMC. These problems consisted of: 1) the decentralization of decision making to the local chapters, 2) the financial stability of the organization, and 3) the growth of the organization. These problems presented themselves as troublesome for the organization, hindering its ability to perform accordingly. Looking first at the problem of decentralization of the decision makingRead MoreOrganizational Structure and Culture661 Words   |  3 PagesOrganizational Structure and Culture Introduction In this week’s assignment we will be looking at organizational structure and organizational culture. 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(organizationalculture101) However, organizational culture is more than sharing assumptions used by a group to solve problems;Read MoreCulture and Structure1270 Words   |  6 PagesSome form of organizational culture and structure exist in every organization. Successful organizations are often credited with having an appropriate organizational culture and/or structure in place that allows them to reach success. Many companies can believe that they have the needed structure in place to assure success; yet they fail where others succeed. Some work very well, and some just do not work at all. For any organizational culture and structure to function properly, it seems as thoughRead MoreThe Concept Of Organizational Structure1428 Words   |  6 PagesThis week in class we went over the concept of organizational structure, which to my understanding is the level of hierarchies, the division of departments and the communication across these hierarchies and departments within organizations. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Its Time to Allow Medical Marijuana Essay - 510 Words

Its Time to Allow Medical Marijuana Think of the word cannabis. What immediately comes into your mind? Druggies out on the streets, totally out of it and swaggering around like drunks? Many people are under these false images. Cannabis users are classed as the lowest of the low, drug abusers and criminals. Well, here is the truth about Cannabis. It is also known as Marijuana, Dope, Grass, Ganja, Weed, Puff, Gear, and Hash, is a Class B drug. This means if you are found in possession or found to be involved in supplying it you can be put in prison for a maximum of 14 years or an unlimited fine. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This is Cannabis. It comes in three forms, dried herb, resin or a sticky liquid. They all come†¦show more content†¦Cannabis is an effective reliever of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, hypoglycaemia and, in certain instances, as a medication for the terminally ill. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;It is important to remember that Cannabis has been used medically world-wide for centuries, and in this country it was legally prescribed up until 1928, however many people still use it illegally as an effective medicine. In fact Queen Victoria used it to alleviate period pains. However, some women may find that heavy Cannabis use can make their periods irregular, whilst Cannabis smoked with tobacco during pregnancy produces the same risks to the mother and child as smoking cigarettes nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In three major studies conducted in Jamaica, Costa Rica, and Greece, researchers have compared heavy long-term cannabis users with non-users and found no evidence of intellectual or neurological damage, no changes in personality, and no loss of the will to work or participate in society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I am not saying that drug abuse is anything to be congratulated. I’m just saying think about it. What would you do if there were no drug that could relieve your pain? Cannabis has beenShow MoreRelatedBenefits and Hazards of Medical Marijuana1034 Words   |  5 Pagesknow how to control or don’t have control over marijuana the weed program the development of the biological control of marijuana program/system, an advisory group was established at the request of biological control researchers who were seeking. It legalizing the use of marijuana as a social catalyst and as a tool with which prior physicians can know about the marijuana controversy, what are the benefits and hazards of medical marijuana? Marijuana is the worst thing you can ever get involve in,Read MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1641 Words   |  7 PagesThe article Marijuana talks about what marijuana is and how marijuana is used in the medical setting. Also this article marijuana talks about how effective the marijuana of kids in high school and the effects of social work and the social life itself. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Marijuana can also be used to drink tea and, predominantly when it is sold or expended for medical purpose is normally mixed into foods. Marijuana is a cannabis which used for some psychoactiveRead MorePersuasive Essay: Legalizing Marijuana965 Words   |  4 PagesPaper 3: Persuasive â€Å"Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana† Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana , many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug.Read MoreOpposing The Legalization of Marijuana Essay733 Words   |  3 Pagesâ€Å"If marijuana was legal, back-yard marijuana gardens would be in every neighborhood, thus kids would be able to get it as easy as taking fruit off a neighbor’s tree† (Johnathan Greens). According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 62.2 percent of the 14.2 billion people who used marijuana for the first time in one day were under the age of 18 years back in 2003. This increases by nearly 1.3 percent every year. This has become a problem due to Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the activeRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1261 Words   |  6 Pagesby transporting medical marijuana. The drug is legal in several states for personal use, and 23 states for medical use. This does not change the fact that it is still a federally illegal drug under the Federal controlled substances act. There are stiffer penalties for bein g caught with even a small amount of marijuana, than those given to murderers and rapists. The federal government has the right to come into your home and arrest you for an ounce of marijuana, even for medical use. A first offenceRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1489 Words   |  6 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Today, the idea of marijuana (cannabis) being legalized has created major controversy within the United States. In the article, â€Å"Legislation to Legalize Marijuana Discussed,† Paul J. Nyden discusses the legislation of the legalization of marijuana use, especially for medical purposes. Nyden presents several reason’s to support his thesis, but the main issue is, should supporters of marijuana legislation in West Virginia back various reform laws saying they could offerRead MoreThe Opinions On Marijuana Legalization829 Words   |  4 PagesThe opinions on marijuana I’m sure you have your own opinion on the legalization of marijuana. Whether it being you are ok with it being legalized or if your totally against it. Or you could just not care. But if you do care you should probably keep reading. If you don’t like the use of marijuana I’m sure you have a good reason for it. If you don’t I hope I can give you a reason to think it’s not so harmful. The first thing were going to talk about is the things that go into marijuana to give you aRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal? Essay1263 Words   |  6 PagesMedical Marijuana In this country, there are parents of sick children driving across state lines, breaking state and federal law by transporting medical marijuana. The drug is legal in several states for personal use, and 23 states for medical use. This does not change the fact that it is still a federally illegal drug under the Federal controlled substances act. There are stiffer penalties for being caught with even a small amount of marijuana, than those given to murderers and rapists. The federalRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1372 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Drugs are bad for you,† time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their li fe just to use drugs? The drug that I am talking about is marijuana, and surprisingly it isRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1098 Words   |  5 PagesCannabis is not a drug, Marijuana should be legalize because many people use it for different reason and it shouldn t matter to the government on how people use this substance. Cannabis is less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes, prohibition diverts critical law enforcement resources from violent and property crime, and marijuana benefits many people that has medical problem like glaucoma, cancer and epilepsy. Marijuana should be legalizing because there haven’t been any report from people dying

Friday, December 13, 2019

L Fung Free Essays

Mis / Enterprise System Li Fung Export Trading Company was founded in 1906 by Fung Pak-Liu and Li Toming in Guangzhou, China. Li Fung Ekspor Dagang Perusahaan didirikan pada tahun 1906 oleh Pak-Fung Liu dan Li Toming di Guangzhou, Cina. Between 1920 and 1930 the company was diversified into manufacturing and warehousing. We will write a custom essay sample on L Fung or any similar topic only for you Order Now Antara 1920 dan 1930 adalah perusahaan manufaktur menjadi diversifikasi dan pergudangan. After the passing of Fung Pak-Liu in 1943, his son Fung Hon-Chu assumed charge of the company. Setelah lulus dari Pak-Fung Liu di 1943, anaknya Fung Hon-Chu diasumsikan biaya dari perusahaan. In 1974 the company was owned and operated by Fung Pak-Liu, William and Victor. Pada tahun 1974 perusahaan ini dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh Fung-Pak Liu, William dan Victor. In 1980 they expanded operations throughout the Asia pacific region. Pada tahun 1980 memperluas operasi mereka di seluruh wilayah Asia Pasifik. By 1995 they expanded their offices around the globe. 1995 oleh mereka memperluas kantor mereka di seluruh dunia. They also launched an intranet to link their corporate offices together. Mereka juga meluncurkan sebuah intranet perusahaan mereka link ke kantor bersama. In 1997 they launched a secure extranet to connect to their customers and suppliers. Pada tahun 1997 mereka meluncurkan extranet aman untuk menyambung ke pelanggan dan pemasok. By 2000 they were a $2 billion global export trading company with 3600 employees world-wide, and with sales of 69% in the United States and 27% in Europe. 2000 oleh mereka yang $ 2 miliar perdagangan ekspor global perusahaan dengan 3. 600 karyawan di seluruh dunia, dengan penjualan dan 69% di Amerika Serikat dan 27% di Eropa. Their Product mix consisted of hard and soft products. Produk yang terdiri dari campuran hard dan soft produk. Li Fung employed a Holistic Supply chain management that provided value-added services across the entire supply chain in a borderless manufacturing environment. Li Fung yang bekerja Holistic Supply manajemen rantai yang memberikan nilai tambah layanan di seluruh rantai suplai yang tak terbatas dalam lingkungan manufaktur. This borderless manufacturing environment provided customization of the supply chain. Ini tak lingkungan manufaktur yang disediakan kustomisasi dari rantai suplai. With the acquisition of Camerley in 1999 they were able to offer clients virtual manufacturing and product design. Dengan akuisisi Camerley pada tahun 1999 mereka dapat menawarkan klien virtual manufaktur dan desain produk. However none of this could have been accomplished without the culture of Li Fung. Namun tidak ada ini telah dapat dicapai tanpa budaya Li Fung. The culture of the company was modest, quick thinking and very responsive. Budaya perusahaan yang sederhana, cepat berpikir dan sangat responsif. The people are externally focused on the tasks of the company. Orang-orang luar yang difokuskan pada tugas-tugas dari perusahaan. Communication was fostered across the Group. Komunikasi yang dipupuk di seluruh Grup. Separate and individual management teams were employed worldwide. Terpisah manajemen tim dan individu telah digunakan di seluruh dunia. They operated under a corporate umbrella with centralized IT, financial and administrative support. Mereka beroperasi di bawah payung perusahaan dengan sentralisasi TI, dukungan keuangan dan administrasi. The future growth of Li Fung was seen coming from three areas: organic growth, expansion through acquisition and extension of its supply chain to new markets via the Internet (E-commerce). Pertumbuhan masa depan Li Fung dinilai berasal dari tiga bidang: pertumbuhan organik, ekspansi melalui akuisisi dan perpanjangan dari rantai suplai ke pasar-pasar baru lewat internet (e-commerce). To help launch their e-commerce they employed an IT division consisting of 60 employees, using outsourced software development. Untuk membantu mereka memulai e-commerce mereka yang digunakan sebuah divisi IT yang terdiri dari 60 karyawan, dengan menggunakan outsourced pengembangan piranti lunak. In 1995 the intranet was†¦ Intranet pada tahun 1995 yang telah †¦ How to cite L Fung, Papers