Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Goals Of The Organizational Culture - 807 Words

Reflection Paper #1 For this week’s reflection paper I have decided to reflect upon how the goals of the business and the goals of the organizational culture are often not compatible, resulting in unethical business ethics. Due to the profit oriented goals of the business, components of organization culture often fail as they rely strongly upon personal morals of management and employees. As per our discussions in class, an ethical culture is â€Å"one in which employees are empowered and expected to act in ethically responsible ways even when the law does not require it† (Perera, Yasanthi, â€Å"The Corporate Culture – Impacts Implications†). In my opinion this type of culture, while ideal, is fragile and easily corrupted by the individual morals of each components listed above. I believe management can suffer the greatest gains or losses based upon their ethical behaviour. It is the responsibility of management to uphold the organizational culture of th e business while also maintaining their profit margins. Management are the most likely to suffer from normative myopia as the business profits, their personal bonuses, or jobs may require them to suffer the â€Å"inability to recognize ethical issues† (Hartman, DesJardins, MacDonald, pg. 49). This is a major area of incompatibility for management between the business goals and the organization’s culture as the management could ignore the organizational culture or could use euphemistic language to appear as though they are following theShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Culture and Its Effects on Team Development and Effectiveness1566 Words   |  6 PagesIndividual Assignment: Organizational Culture and Team Effect Paper Explore how organizational culture develops and how it affects team development and effectiveness Organizational cultures develop over time thus the need to adopt and integrate valuable components towards realization of effective and efficient development of the organizational cultures. 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