Saturday, April 18, 2020

organzation behavior Essay Example

organzation behavior Essay Organization behavior Name: Institution: Lecturer: We will write a custom essay sample on organzation behavior specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on organzation behavior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on organzation behavior specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Course: Date: Organization behavior Case 1 Some of the possible reasons for absenteeism in an insurance company are associated with internal and external factors. From the MAR’S model, four key factors determine the individual behaviors in a company. First, motivation determines the performance of workers. Thus, lack of motivation could have been one of the reasons for absenteeism. Another factor that negatively affects the company is ability. Ability for analyzing data is vital; thus, poor ability might affect the individual behaviors and performance. Factors such as role perception and situational factors can be the reasons for absenteeism. Therefore, poor communication within the company can discourage employees thus making many of them have poor role perception. Stress and lack of job satisfaction can be challenging to employees thus contributing to their absenteeism. This might be reduced through creating conducive working environment, which is stress free. Moreover, good communication, motivation of workers and g ood role model will reduce absenteeism. Case study 2.1 The captain is trying to displays the problems he is experiencing. Captain beliefs the cause of the problem was through hiring inexperienced people who do not have role perception or competence. Using MARS model, the possible causes of unacceptable behavior are varied. First, hiring of inexperienced young people who are not exposed to work before. This directly affected the performance level because of poor paperwork that was done. Secondly, insufficient training programs thus poor performance. The problem of hating paperwork could have not risen if training programs were carried out. This could enable the officers have better skills for the job. Thirdly, poor motivation that led to poor performance in paperwork. Captain did not motivate officers thus they became unaware of organizational goals. Lastly, poor role perception made the officers dislike paperwork. This is because there was no clear role perception and acknowledgment of the paperwork description. Moreover, they were not aware that the organization would suffer in case they could not perform paperwork. Lastly, the officers were hired to perform jobs, which are not matching with their job requirements. This contributed to poor performance in paperwork thus putting the company at risk. The captain has not identified all the possible solutions to the problems. This is because there are some problems a part from lack of motivation, determination and interests of officers towards the written crime description. There are some factors that captain did not mention thus, needs to evaluate and make adjustments for better organizational performance. First, evaluating the stressing environment and make sure that the working environment is stress free. Training workers is vital because it will enable them to have abilities to perform better paperwork. Motivation alone cannot be successful if workers do not posses the required abilities for a specific position. Comprehensive job descriptions can be done indicating clear expectations. This will aid the employees in understanding the role perception thus producing better results in paperwork. Furthermore, the captain should act a role model to employees. This is vital because he will make employees understand the ways through wh ich employees are supposed to play a part in the company. Additionally, captain can analyze the situation, redesign job, encourage competence and ensure that the working environment is conducive. He will communicate well in order to eliminate the problems that he is undergoing in the company. Therefore, by adopting the MARS model, the captain will enable employees to discover the driving force behind their action thus improving in paperwork.

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